Brow Lift

A brow lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure in which the eyebrows and the forehead are elevated.

We all age, but certain factors like sun exposure, diet, and genetics can increase not only the severity but how soon the signs of aging start to appear. The first facial wrinkles to develop are horizontal furrows in the forehead caused by contraction of the underlying Frontalis muscle. Next come frown lines, the vertical lines between the eyebrows. They can cause you to look overly serious, stern, worried, or even angry. Worry lines are most noticeable when you frown, look up, raise your eyebrows, or show a look of surprise or concern.

Forehead wrinkles usually appear by your late 20’s and can be accompanied by the sagging of the upper brow and lids. A forehead lift or browlift smooths out wrinkles, fixes drooping eyebrows and heavy lids, and provides a younger, fresher appearance.

Today, nearly one-third of all those seeking facial rejuvenation surgery are between the ages of 30 and 50. Candidates for browlift procedures must be in good general health. The health of the skin is also taken into consideration. If you smoke, your doctor will probably ask you to stop for several months before and after having surgery. The chemicals in smoke quicken collagen breakdown, leaving your skin badly lined and robbing your body of oxygen it needs for healing.

Classic Brow Lift​​ - A traditional brow lift is performed as an outpatient procedure, either in the physician’s surgical suite or at the hospital, under local anesthesia together with a sedative to make you drowsy. The hair is tied back with rubber bands in front of and behind the incision area. The incision is usually made across the top of the head just behind the hairline. The forehead skin is gently lifted, and excess facial muscle and skin are removed. The muscle responsible for much of the furrowing is smoothed, and the brow is moved just above the bony rim, leaving the capability for expression intact.

Endoscopic Method​​ - Endoscopic surgery leaves no visible scarring. Small incisions in the hairline area are made, and an endoscope is inserted. While there are fewer incisions with the endoscopic method, it may not always change the position of the hairline as effectively as the classic method.

You should arrange for someone to drive you home from the procedure and plan to rest for a few days following surgery. During this healing time, you may experience minor pain which can be controlled with oral medication. Patients also experience swelling around the eyes and forehead. Strenuous activity, which raises blood pressure and increases blood flow in the treated area, should be avoided for the first three weeks. Within two weeks, most patients are comfortable in social settings (with make-up) and feel completely normal within three months.